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Posted By Admin |

10/22/2024 7:29:27 PM |



All AutoCAD Shortcut Keys: Ultimate Guide for Designers | AutoCAD Course in Bareilly


AutoCAD is one of the most powerful tools for architects, engineers, and designers. To boost productivity and streamline your design process, mastering AutoCAD's shortcut keys is essential. This blog will cover all the important AutoCAD shortcuts in a convenient table format, helping you save time and effort.

Table of AutoCAD Shortcut Keys

Shortcut KeyCommandDescription
AARCCreates an arc.
CCIRCLEDraws a circle.
EERASEDeletes selected objects.
LLINEDraws a straight line.
MMOVEMoves selected objects.
ZZOOMZooms to change the view of the drawing.
XEXPLODEBreaks a compound object into its components.
HHATCHFills an enclosed area with a hatch pattern.
FFILLETRounds or fillets the edges of objects.
TRTRIMTrims objects to meet the edges of other objects.
EXEXTENDExtends objects to meet the edges of other objects.
COCOPYCopies selected objects.
MIMIRRORCreates a mirrored copy of selected objects.
OOFFSETCreates parallel copies of objects.
UNUNDOReverses the last command.
REREDOReapplies the last reversed command.
BBLOCKCombines multiple objects into a single block.
IINSERTInserts a block or drawing into the current drawing.
SSTRETCHStretches objects crossed by a selection window.
F8ORTHOToggles orthogonal mode for straight lines.
F9SNAPToggles snapping to a grid.
F10POLARToggles polar tracking for angles.
F12DYNMODETurns dynamic input on or off.
CTRL + 1PROPERTIESOpens the properties palette.
CTRL + CCOPYCLIPCopies objects to the clipboard.
CTRL + VPASTECLIPPastes objects from the clipboard.
CTRL + ZUNDOReverses the last action.
CTRL + YREDOReapplies the last undone action.
CTRL + SHIFT + SSAVEASSaves the drawing with a new name.
CTRL + PPRINTPrints the drawing.
CTRL + NNEWCreates a new drawing.
CTRL + OOPENOpens an existing drawing.
CTRL + SSAVESaves the current drawing.


Learning these AutoCAD shortcuts will significantly improve your design efficiency, making your workflow faster and more effective. Bookmark this page for quick reference and become an AutoCAD power user!

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